HTTP Status Codes
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The following two Codes are not in the HTTP specification but are used by Bukster.
-If you get a -1 status code this means that the connection failed
-If you get an "Error 200", (even though 200 means success) this means that the server started sending the requested resource but timed out in mid-delivery.

2** Success

200 OK

201 Created
   Following a POST command, this indicates success,
   but the text of the response line indicates the URL of the new document.

202 Accepted
   Request accepted for asynchronous processing.

203 Partial Information
   Returned information may be cached or private.

204 No Response
   Used for scripts that don't return a visible result.

3** Redirection

301 Moved
   Browsers with link editing capabilities should automatically link to the new reference.
   The response contains one or more header lines of the form
   URI: <url> string CrLf which specify alternative addresses
   for the object in question. The string is an optional comment field.

302 Found
   Same as move, except that linking to the found address
   doesn't make much sense, since the document URL is expected to change.
   This is the code that the httpd returns for a cgi script whose
   output contained a Location: header.

303 Method
   Same as found, but a different method may be used to access the document;
   details about the method are sent in the message body.

304 Not modified
   Use the local copy if you cached it.

4** Client Error

400 Bad Request
   Impossible request or syntax error

401 Unauthorized
   Request should be retried with proper authorization header.

402 Payment Required
   Request should be retried with proper charge-to header.

403 Forbidden
   Authorization will not help

404 Not found
   A document with that URL doesn't exist.

411 No such group
   (NCSA httpd) the newsgroup in news:newsgroup doesn't exist.

5** Server Error

500 Internal Error

501 Not implemented
Server does not respond to that method.

502 Timed out
(Seen in practice, not in the specification.)

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